Wk10 – Activity – Location Based Gaming


What was in Glen’s geocache (I was trading the orange sticky notes for the dollar heart)

This week’s activity we had to geocache.  For those who has never hear of geocaching it is a app where people place hidden trinkets in a container and post the location of it onto the app. You go find it, write your name in the log book, and trade trinkets.  YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO TAKE HOME THE BOX!!!


The outside of the Beach Structure geocache

I decide to go find Glen’s geocache which was the closest one to me at the time.  It was located at the parking structure near the pyramid.  The hint for this geocache was very helpful and easy. For anyone who wants to try finding it here is a link: Beach Structure


What I put in my geocache (I forgot to take a picture of the pencil)

My very own geocache is also located on the CSULB campus.  I spend a lot of time around the engineering building so I decide to hid one in one of the side staircases of one of the buildings.  (Hint: It is the first staircase you see when walking to the Engineering/Computer Sciences Building from the the RecCenter.)  Since I am short it was more difficult to find a place to hide that I could reach but I did manage with the help of Courtney!  If you would like to try to find my geocache here is the link: Long Beach Computer Science Building.  Feel free to leave a comment if you found my geocache!


hint for my geocache! XD also Courtney’s arm

UPDATE: My geocache has been up for 3 days now and here are some of the reviews.  Shoutout to ThrYar for being so nice about my terrible geocaching skills! XD
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